Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6)
Thirubalasakyam or Holy Childhood is an association of children who have not received First Holy Communion. It is an organization set up to mould the religious life of growing children and instills wisdom and Christian values in them so that they grow up as valuable for the family, the Church, the society and God.
Holy Childhood or Thirubalasakyam is primarily established in 1843. Bishop Charles D. Forbin Jakson, the Bishop of Nancy Dioceses, in France, is the founder of this association. In 1922, Poe Pius X, declared this association as one of the Church’s pontification organization. In 1950, Pope Pius X, address the whole Catholic Church institute this organization in every parish for younger children who have not received Holy Communion. Holy Childhood or Thirubalasakyam celebrates its feast on 2nd Sunday of February every year.
Thirubalasakyam is established in Holy Family Syro-Malabar Catholic Church Arizona, in 2011 by the guidance of Rev. Fr. Mathew Munjanattu. Children are the future of the Church and Nation. As parents/ catholics it is our responsibility to bring them up in the faith and grace of Jesus Christ. The main aim is to make the little children filled with love for Infant Jesus, to encourage them to do little services motivated by the love of Infant Jesus. “ He who loves his son chastises him often, that he amy be his joy when he grows up.” – Sirach 30:1
Patron: Infant Jesus.
Sub-patrons – Mother Mary, St Joseph and Guardian Angel.
Motto : Believe in Jesus; Live in Jesus.